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PRINT Marketing Internship (Week One)

Kelsey Resh

Welcome to my blog! My name Is Kelsey and I am History major here at UCF, minoring in Strategic Communications. My goal is to be able to combine communications and PR skills with my knowledge of history to hopefully work on PR for Museums and help create online marketing that is socially aware, reflective, and current.


This week marked the beginning of my internship with PRINT! This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to work on the History department’s Howard Middle School project, which meant a lot to me given I was a former student at the school. In that internship, I got to learn about and exercise the skillsets of historical preservation in a digital setting. For PRINT, my work is going to be a lot different! This semester I’ll be working on PRINT’s marketing and social medias in the hopes that we can get more people interested in learning about the project and its research goals.


I was extremely excited when Dr. Beiler, one of the co-heads of the project, reached out to me following a presentation in her HIS3600 class where I discussed my career goals and how I wanted to utilize the skillsets from my degree. It turns out that she was actually looking for someone to dive more into PRINT’s marketing alongside a few of the people who have been working on PRINT’s socials in the History department.


I’ll be honest, I was nervous about taking Dr. Beiler up on this project since I’m still very early in my collegiate career, especially when it comes to the public relations side of my education. However, this semester I’ll be focusing on those skillsets a lot since I was finally able to get into the PR4000 class. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to draw information from that class to help influence my creative direction and decisions with PRINT.


On Wednesday of this week, we had our first official PRINT team meeting in CHDR! Everyone introduced themselves and It was really fun getting to know more of my peers. The heads of the project also introduced themselves and their work, along with how the PRINT digital networking system works (I’ll be honest, it was a lot of data transfer information that I still don’t really understand but I’ll pick it up at some point!). Lastly, we were given a presentation on the foundations of the various religious groups that PRINT studies.


Today I came in really early to begin working on social media templates! Part of my work with PRINT will be creating a marketing plan for future members of the team to use. I’m really excited that I get to be creative with my work in this project and explore some new ways to get people connected to PRINT!


-Kelsey R.

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