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PRINT Marketing Internship (Week Three)

Kelsey Resh

This week I officially began posting on the PRINT Instagram! It was so exciting to be able to get started on publishing new content for the social medias.

On Tuesday I finalized the Welcome post for the Instagram, which includes some quick info about what PRINT is and the project’s mission. I’m no graphic designer, but I spent a long time making sure everything was perfect and I think it turned out pretty cute! Dr. Beiler’s only feedback about the post was that we should also include a post or a mention of the project’s sponsors, which I totally agree with. Because I can’t edit the main content of the initial Instagram post, one of my next projects will be to begin making an informational post thanking PRINT’s sponsors.

On Wednesday I met with Kayla and Sarah following our weekly meeting and I logged into the Instagram for the first time! We shared our ideas for various posts going forward, and Sarah showed us a post she was working on about a historical recipe that the team found in a Quaker family cookbook! I love historical food and recipes so I was very excited when she showed this to us!! I then posted the new welcome post and we were all really excited!

On Thursday and Friday I finished working on the PRINT team bio posts that are also for the Instagram! I had everyone in the team (including our lead researchers) fill out a short form that asked for a 65-word bio where they talked about their major, interests, goals, and their favorite part about working on PRINT! Since teamwork and community is such an important aspect of this project, I figured a series of posts that introduce followers to our team would help more people connect to the project and its significance. It was a little difficult getting everyone to submit things on time and I should have been more persistent on getting people to fill out the form since without their answers I couldn’t make the post, but overall those posts turned out to be really cute and I loved being able to learn a bit about everyone! I think everyone in the team liked them too.

One of my favorite parts of this project so far has been meeting so many amazing people! Kayla and Sarah are so kind and communicative, we are all really happy to be on a team together! I also became friends with another intern on the project, Marissa! We got to talking one day and she gave me her number in case I ever needed anything. We ended up talking non-stop after that and went and grabbed coffee on Thursday! I am looking forward to getting to know her more and work with her more!


-Kelsey R.

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